Rhinoplasty Preoperative Guidelines

To get better results from rhinoplasty, it is necessary to take certain steps before surgery. These steps include consulting with a surgeon, changing your medication and supplement regimen, and completing necessary tests. Therefore, if you are considering rhinoplasty, it is important to be aware of rhinoplasty preoperative guidelines.

Rhinoplasty Preoperative Guidelines

Starting two weeks before the rhinoplasty to prepare your body for the procedure, take a multivitamin daily. It might be recommended to continue taking the multivitamin for at least one month after the surgery. Better nutrition contributes to improved body health, facilitating a faster recovery process.

Avoid the use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) medications such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lexapro, and Luvox. Only continue these medications if permitted by your physician.

All prescription medications containing Bupropion, Venlafaxine, or Duloxetine should not be taken without the rhinoplasty surgeon‘s approval.

Medications with Amitriptyline or Nortriptyline, which belong to the tricyclic antidepressant category, should be stopped.

Aspirin or any medication containing Aspirin (Salicylic Acid) or its derivatives should not be consumed as they can interfere with blood clotting in the body.

Avoid taking Ibuprofen medications, whether prescribed or over-the-counter, as they act as blood thinners.

Excessive consumption of Vitamin E should be avoided. Instead, consider taking a vitamin containing lower levels of Vitamin E daily.

Do not use medications containing Naproxen or Naproxen Sodium, as they affect blood clotting. There is a list of medications containing Naproxen that should not be used.

Avoid smoking cigarettes or using hookahs as nicotine restricts blood circulation to the skin and may lead to noticeable complications during the healing process. Refrain from any tobacco or drug use at least two months before and after the surgery for various reasons.

Discontinue the use of all herbal medications as these natural substances might lead to serious complications and interfere with the surgical procedure. Some herbal medications affect blood clotting and have unwanted effects on blood pressure or might interact with anesthesia. Avoid consuming ginger, garlic, and ginkgo biloba at least two weeks before the surgery.

Stop taking all weight loss pills and medications, whether prescribed, over-the-counter, or herbal, as they might have adverse effects on anesthesia or sensory deprivation, leading to disturbances in blood clotting, heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure.


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Dr. Kianoosh Nahid

Dr. Kianoosh Nahid

Dr. Kianoosh Nahid, is a board-certified ENT specialist (ear, nose, throat surgeon). His main field of practice is rhinoplasty (nose cosmetic/ functional surgery).With years of experience and thousands of satisfied patients from around the world, he is known by many as the “surgeon with golden hands